MaKenna's Blog

Just another Edublogs site

Here is a reflection post

After ten weeks of blogging, I am very proud of how far I have come. Here are some things about my blog. The best moment a I have had as a blogger is when I received all the nice comments on my Sprinkle Kindness post. This might help me in the future to be a better writer and see my progress. This surprised me most about blogging is how fun it is to share my writing with the world. Here is some advice when you first start blogging introduce yourself first, then write about anything you want. I will continue blogging over the summer I will see if I can do one every week.

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I don’t really have a favorite song because I like lots of music. I love to dance to music too. I have a concert coming up soon and I made this little cartoon with headphones, it’s singing part of one of my concert song. This song is called Goal. What’s your favorite kind of music? Do you like to dance to music like me? Here is Goal.


Busy, Busy Easter

So let’s talk about my Easter weekend. The Easter bunny always leaves us a scavenger hunt. My brothers got hard clues, but I liked my clues. My elf on the shelf left my brothers and I a present too. I got a wooden swing I think from my elf on the shelf. I got some new garden gloves. I also got a huge big jug of chocolate powder for chocolate milk. I love to swim so the Easter bunny got me a lounge inner tube. A erasable marker a healiter that! And after that we had to go to my cousins house for Easter and my cousin’s birthday. We did a egg hunt and we had to find number 1 2 and all the up to 12. Each egg had like a piece of bread that Jesus gave to his people I think that was egg number. Each had a little short story’s. That was my awesome Easter.



We are learning about birds in our classroom so I did a report on Robins.Robins are found in backyard trees, on porches and beneath bridges. In early spring the Robins start looking for worms. Robin’s watch for a juicy earthworms and then the Robin tips forward and stabs the worm with his bill. Male Robins get twigs, string, rags and mud to make a nest. Mrs. Robin makes a soft grass lining for a perfect pad for the blue-green eggs. The parents work hard all day to feed the baby birds up with insects. A predator for Robins is a cat. Do you know what Robins like more than worms?… Ripe fruit like cherries and berries. Here is a picture.


Lots and Lots of Books

My favorite subjects in school are….reading,math and art! I just finished a book called Path to the Stars it inspired me to write a blogpost about it. It’s a very good book you should read it.  Here’s a haiku  about school and lots and lots of reading. 


Sprinkle Kindness

Everybody should sprinkle kindness. Because it makes the world a better place. If you just say something like I like your shoes. You just sprinkled a little more kindness to the world. And it makes other people smile! All you have to do is just help someone or tell someone something you like about them. It’s not that hard to show that you care.Never give up and keep on trying even when it’s hard.


Stand up Tall

When someone is being mean don’t be afraid to say please stop.
If someone is calling mean names to your friend help them and tell them to stop. That’s how to be a good friend! Help your friends out once  and awhile. Always be nice to everyone. Be strong. Be you. Stand up tall.


Never Give Up

Never give up when it is hard. Because if you do then you will never learn something new. Sometimes you just have to try. If you give up to fast, you won’t learn anything.I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. That is a very famous verse from the Bible.sometimes you have to take leoaps for the stars.When you have a chance take it. Life isn’t a race find joy in the journey! Life =risks! When your doing something hard keep on trying and don’t ever  stop believing in your self. Don’t rush through your work just work on it till it is done.


Introducing … MaKenna!

Here are seven things about me.One, I like to run a lot.

Two  I love animals they are so cute !Three, I do lots of crafts and I love to draw. On Friday

I made some cute pom- pom bunnies and one little chick! Four,  if you need help just ask me. Five, I love love to read ! Once I read a five hundred page book!  Six, I’m very very nice. And last of all I’m

always happy! Have fun blogging.  Bye!



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